Stephen Bilkis
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Collisions With Animals Accidents

Whether the collision involves a dog, cat, deer, or cow, a collision with an animal can lead to a substantial amount of damage to your vehicle and serious personal injury to you and your passengers. In addition, hitting an animal or swerving to avoid an animal may cause you to collide with another vehicle or a pedestrian. Like any other type of car accident, a collision involving an animal can cause the victim to suffer a serious injury such as a traumatic brain injury, broken or crushed bones, lacerations from broken glass, or a back or spinal cord injury. These types of injuries involve long recovery times, with the victim being unable to work for weeks or even months. However, under New York law victims of car accidents are allowed to seek compensation from the person whose negligence resulted in the accident. If you are in need of a New York Injury Lawyer because you or a family member was injured in a collision with an animal it is important to contact an experienced Bronx Collisions with Animals Accidents Lawyer who will help ensure that the person responsible for your losses is held accountable. In addition, in the course of getting treatment for car accident injuries, unfortunately in some cases the victim suffers further injuries at the hands of his or her doctor. If during the course of the treatment for your injuries your doctor commits medical malpractice, the party responsible for your car accident injuries may be required to compensate you for the medical malpractice injury as well.

Types of Animal Car Accidents

Animal car accidents can involve a wild animal or an animal that is a pet or livestock. The type of animal involved in the accident is an important factor in determining liability.

  • Collisions with deer and other wild animals. Each year in New York there are over 50,000 collisions with deer each year. When a driver hits a deer or swerves to avoid a deer or other while animal, and as a result causes personal injury, there is typically no one to blame or file a claim against. Thus, the driver will have to rely on his or her own insurance to cover damages. However, an injured passenger may have a claim against the driver who hit the wild animal. Similarly, an occupant of another vehicle may have a claim against a driver who swerved to avoid hitting a wild animal.
  • Collisions with livestock and pets. Some animal collisions are caused when a dog, cat, horse or some other type of pet or livestock wanders onto a road. Because such animals are required to be restrained, the owner of such animal would face legal liability for losses suffered if a driver hits the animal or swerves to avoid the animal.
Pursuing a Claim

If the negligence of the owner of an animal led to you being injured in a car accident, under New York law you have the right to pursue a claim against that person for damages. The types of compensation that you may be able to recover:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills including bills from the hospital, your doctors, prescriptions and bills associated with medical equipment
  • Damage to your vehicle
  • Pain and suffering

If a loved was killed in collision caused by an animal, if the owner of the animal was negligent you may be able to pursue damages through a wrongful death action.

Beware that New York law has a specific time limit for filing a claim in a personal injury case. If you do not file your claim within the time period, you will be forever barred from collecting damages even if your case has merit. In addition, if the party responsible for your injury was a government entity then there are special procedures you must follow to file a claim.

Bronx Collisions with Animals Accidents Lawyer

A personal injury lawsuit stemming from a car accident where an animal was involved can be complicated. If you were injured in such an accident it is critical that you contact an attorney who not only has experience handing car accidents, but is also familiar with the medical issues victims of such accidents experience. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your car accident.

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