
Failure to Yield Accidents

New York law has very specific rules as to which vehicle has the right-of-way when 1 or more approaches the same intersection or enters the same area of a roadway. If the driver who does not have the right-of-way and fails to properly yield then that driver has violated the law. A failure to yield accident will occur if a driver's failure to yield results in a collision. A victim of such a car accident may suffer a painful, devastating injury such as a brain injury, broke bone, contusion, abrasions, a neck injury, or a spinal cord injury, with a recovery time of weeks, months and even years. However, under New York law victims of such accidents are allowed to seek compensation from the person whose negligence resulted in accident. If you are in need of a New York Injury Lawyer because a driver failed to yield as required by law, it is important that you immediately contact an experienced Bronx Failure to Yield Accidents Lawyer who will review the facts of your case and explain to you the process of pursuing damages from the person responsible for your injuries. In addition, if during the course of the treatment for your injuries your doctor commits medical malpractice, the party responsible for your car accident injuries may be required to compensate you for the medical malpractice injury as well.

Types of Failure to Yield Accidents

A failure to yield accident can occur in a number of different situations. For example, under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law section 1141, a vehicle turning left must yield to vehicles approaching from the opposite direction that are close enough to constitute an immediate hazard. If a driver fails to yield to you under these circumstances and collides with an approaching vehicle, the driver that failed to yield would have negligently caused the accident and would be liable. Similarly, under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law section 1142, a driver approaching a stop sign must stop and shall yield to any vehicle that has entered the intersection. Under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law section 1143 a driver entering a roadway from any place other than another roadway such as from a private driveway, must yield to vehicles already on the roadway. Failure to yield as required by these laws or as required by other laws could result in an accident.

Consequences of Failure to Yield Accidents

Failure to yield, as a violation of New York Vehicle and Traffic Law, may be the proximate and actual cause of the accident. Whether the accident is a side collision, sideswipe accident, or any other type of accident, a failure to yield accident may leave victims with serious injuries. Victims often suffer head and brain injuries, broken bones, neck injuries, internal bleeding, shoulder injuries, and pelvic fractures. The severity of injury depends on factors such as the speed of the impacting vehicle, the position of the occupant in the vehicle, the side of the impact, and the position of the impact.

New York law allows victims of failure to yield accidents to bring personal injury lawsuits against the person responsible for their injuries. You may be entitled to compensation for your past and future medical expenses related to your injury, lost wages, loss of earning capacity if you are unable to earn as much as you earned prior to the accident, pain and suffering, and property damage. If the accident resulted in the death of a family member you may be able to collect compensation from a wrongful death claim.

Bronx Failure to Yield Accidents Lawyer

Whether a vehicle accident is a side collision, head-on collision, rear-end collision, or a sideswipe, a failure to yield accident may leave you with both physical injuries and financial stress. A personal injury lawsuit against the person responsible for the accident is a way to not only hold that person accountable for his or her negligent driving but a way for you to be compensated for your losses. However, to ensure that your rights are protected it is important that you are represented by someone with experience representing victims of car accidents. The staff at Stephen Bilkis and Associates, PLLC has extensive experience representing clients injured in head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, side collisions as well as other types of vehicle accidents. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your car accident.